if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") if("biomaRt" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE) { BiocManager::install('biomaRt') } if("jsonlite" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE) { BiocManager::install('jsonlite') } if("httr" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE) { BiocManager::install('httr') } library(biomaRt) library(jsonlite) library(httr) # pathFun is a function connected to PAGER api to perform hypergeometric test and retrieve enriched PAGs associated to a list of genes # 1.markers: a list of gene symbols, 2.filename: provide the name of the file to store, 3.sourceSel: a list of sources refered to 'http://discovery.informatics.uab.edu/PAGER/index.php/search/advanced' data source # 4.typeSel 'All', 'P', 'A' or 'G', 5.pCutoff: p-valuecutoff, 6. fdrCutoff: FDR cutoff, 7.upperCutoff: maximum size of genes in PAG # 8.bottomCutoff: minimum size of genes in PAG #markers=unique(as.matrix(targetFmt)) #typeSel='All' #upperCutoff=2000 #bottomCutoff=1 #pCutoff=0.05 #fdrCutoff=0.05 # example: pathFun = function(dir = './', fileName = 'test.txt', markers = c('BRCA1','BRCA2'), type = "All", minSize = 2, maxSize = 5000, similarity = 0.05, overlap = 1, nCoCo = 0, pValue = 0.05, FDR = 0.05, Species = 'All', source = c('KEGG',"WikiPathway","BioCarta","MSigDB","NCI-Nature Curated","Reactome","Protein Lounge","Spike")){ url = "https://discovery.informatics.uab.edu/PAGER/index.php/geneset/pagerapi" marker_str = NULL marker_str=paste0(as.matrix(markers),collapse = "%20") source_str = NULL source_str=paste0(as.matrix(source),collapse = "%20") #Other adjustable parameters can be refered to https://discovery.informatics.uab.edu/PAGER/index.php/search/advanced contnt <- list( genes = marker_str, type = type, ge = minSize, le = maxSize, sim = similarity, olap = overlap, cohesion = nCoCo, pvalue = pValue, FDR = FDR, organism = Species, source = source_str ) req <- httr::POST(url, body=contnt ); json <- httr::content(req, as = "text") PAGER=fromJSON(json) write.table(PAGER,paste0(dir,fileName), row.names = F, quote =F,col.names = T,sep="\t") return(PAGER) } # PAGERCOV_ANALYSIS is a function connected to PAGER api to perform hypergeometric test and retrieve enriched PAGs associated to a list of genes # The input parameters are: # 1.dir: the directory of output file. # 2.filename: the name of the output file. # 3.markers: a list of gene symbols. # 4.type: a list of PAG types consisting of 'P', 'A' or 'G' # 5.minSize: the allowed minimum size of PAG genes # 6.maxSize: the allowed maximum size of PAG genes # 7.similarity: the similarity score cutoff # 8.overlap: the allowed minimum overlap genes # 9.nCoCo: the minimum nCoCo score # 10.pValue: p-value cutoff # 11.FDR: false discovery rate # 12.source: a list of sources refered to 'https://discovery.informatics.uab.edu/PAGER-COV/index.php/pages/help' PAGERCOV_ANALYSIS = function(dir = './', fileName = 'test.txt', markers = c('BRCA1','BRCA2'), type = c("P","A","G"), minSize = 2, maxSize = 5000, similarity = 0.05, overlap = 1, nCoCo = 0, pValue = 0.05, FDR = 0.05, Species = 'All', source = c('PubChem','PAGER-MSigDB','PAGER-GOA','PAGER-GOA_AGG', 'PAGER-GAD','PAGER-Pfam','PAGER-GeneSigDB','PAGER-Protein Lounge', 'PAGER-Spike','PAGER-PheWAS','PAGER-PharmGKB','PAGER-Reactome', 'PAGER-BioCarta','PAGER-GWAS Catalog','PAGER-KEGG','PAGER-NGS Catalog', 'PAGER-DSigDB','PAGER-GTEx','PAGER-NCI-Nature Curated','PAGER-WikiPathway', 'Am J Respir Crit Care Med','Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews', 'Zenodo','Mouse Genome Informatics Database','Nature Cell Discovery', 'GenBank/UniProt','Cell','The Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology', 'Nature','Drugbank','Nature Medicine','Cell Host and Microbe','bioRxiv' )){ url = "https://discovery.informatics.uab.edu/PAGER-COV/index.php/geneset/pagerapi" marker_str = NULL marker_str = paste0(as.matrix(markers),collapse = "%20") source_str = NULL source_str = paste0(as.matrix(source),collapse = "%20") contnt <- list( genes = marker_str, type = type, ge = minSize, le = maxSize, sim = similarity, olap = overlap, cohesion = nCoCo, pvalue = pValue, FDR = FDR, organism=Species, source=source_str ) req <- httr::POST(url, body=contnt ); json <- httr::content(req, as = "text") result = fromJSON(json) write.table(result,paste0(dir,fileName), row.names = F, quote =F,col.names = T,sep="\t") return(result) } # pathMember is a function connected to PAGER api to retrieve the membership of PAGs using a list of PAG IDs # example: # PAGmember=pathMember(dir = "./",PAG_result$GS_ID) pathMember = function(dir = './',PAGER){ PAGstring = paste(PAGER,collapse=",") contnt <- list( pag=PAGstring ) req <- httr::POST("https://discovery.informatics.uab.edu/PAGER/index.php/geneset/get_members_by_ids/", body=contnt ); json <- httr::content(req, as = "text") PAGINF=fromJSON(json) write.table(PAGINF,paste0(dir,"PAG_members.txt"), row.names = F, quote =F,col.names = T,sep="\t") return(PAGINF) } # pathInt is a function connected to PAGER api to retrieve the m-type relationships of PAGs using a list of PAG IDs # example: # PAGint=pathInt(dir = './',PAG_result$GS_ID) pathInt = function(dir = './',PAGER){ PAGstring = paste(PAGER,collapse=",") contnt <- list( pag=PAGstring ) req <- httr::POST("https://discovery.informatics.uab.edu/PAGER/index.php/pag_pag/inter_network_int_api/", body=contnt ); json <- httr::content(req, as = "text") PAGINF=fromJSON(json) write.table(PAGINF,paste0(dir,"mtype.txt"), row.names = F, quote =F,col.names = T,sep="\t") return(PAGINF) } # pathReg is a function connected to PAGER api to retrieve the r-type relationships of PAGs using a list of PAG IDs # example: # PAGreg=pathReg(dir = './',PAG_result$GS_ID) pathReg = function(dir = './',PAGER){ PAGstring = paste(PAGER,collapse=",") contnt <- list( pag=PAGstring ) req <- httr::POST("https://discovery.informatics.uab.edu/PAGER/index.php/pag_pag/inter_network_reg_api/", body=contnt ); json <- httr::content(req, as = "text") PAGINF=fromJSON(json) write.table(PAGINF,paste0(dir,"rtype.txt"), row.names = F, quote =F,col.names = T,sep="\t") return(PAGINF) } # pagRankedGene is a function connected to PAGER api to retrieve RP-ranked genes with RP-score of the given PAG_IDs # example: # PAGRankedGenes=pagRankedGene(dir = './',PAG_result$GS_ID[1]) pagRankedGene = function(dir = './',pag_id){ contnt <- list( pag=pag_id ) req <- httr::POST("https://discovery.informatics.uab.edu/PAGER/index.php/geneset/pag_ranked_gene/", body=contnt ); json <- httr::content(req, as = "text") PAGINF=fromJSON(json) write.table(PAGINF,paste0(dir,pag_id,"_pagRankedGene.txt"), row.names = F, quote =F,col.names = T,sep="\t") return(PAGINF) } # pagGeneInt is a function connected to PAGER api to retrieve gene interaction network # example: # pagGeneInts=pagGeneInt(dir = './',PAG_result$GS_ID[1]) pagGeneInt = function(dir = './',pag_id){ req <- httr::GET(paste0("https://discovery.informatics.uab.edu/PAGER/index.php/pag_mol_mol_map/interactions/",pag_id)); json <- httr::content(req, as = "text") PAGGENEINT=fromJSON(json) write.table(PAGGENEINT,paste0(dir,pag_id,"_pagGeneInt.txt"), row.names = F, quote =F,col.names = T,sep="\t") return(PAGGENEINT) } # pagGeneReg is a function connected to PAGER api to retrieve gene regulatory network # example: # pagGeneRegs=pagGeneReg(dir = './',PAG_result$GS_ID[1]) pagGeneReg = function(dir = './',pag_id){ req <- httr::GET(paste0("https://discovery.informatics.uab.edu/PAGER/index.php/pag_mol_mol_map/regulations/",pag_id)); json <- httr::content(req, as = "text") PAGGENEINT=fromJSON(json) write.table(PAGGENEINT,paste0(dir,pag_id,"_pagGeneReg.txt"), row.names = F, quote =F,col.names = T,sep="\t") return(PAGGENEINT) } # path_NGSEA is a function connected to PAGER api to generate the network-based GSEA result # example: # gene_df = data.frame(symbol = c("BRCA1","BRCA2","RAD51","PGR"), log2FoldChange = c(0.6,0.3,0.1,0.1)) # pagInNetworkWGSEA=path_NGSEA(dir = './',gene_df,PAG_member) path_NGSEA = function(dir = './',genes,PAGmember){ geneExpStr=paste(paste0(genes$symbol,"\\t\\t",genes$log2FoldChange),collapse = "\\t\\t\\t") PAGsetsStr=paste(paste0(PAGmember$data$GS_ID,"\\t\\t",PAGmember$data$GENE_SYM),collapse = "\\t\\t\\t") contnt <- list( PAGsetsStr=PAGsetsStr, geneExpStr=geneExpStr ) req <- httr::POST("https://discovery.informatics.uab.edu/PAGER/index.php/geneset/ngseaapi/", body=contnt ); json <- httr::content(req, as = "text") PAGER=fromJSON(json) write.table(PAGER,paste0(dir,"PAG_InNetworkWeightedgsea.txt"), row.names = F, quote =F,col.names = T,sep="\t") return(PAGER) } # CellAnnotation is a function connected to PAGER api to perform hypergeometric test and retrieve enriched PAGs associated to a list of genes # 1.markers: a list of gene symbols, 2.filename: provide the name of the file to store, 3.pCutoff: p-valuecutoff, # 4. fdrCutoff: FDR cutoff, 5.upperCutoff: maximum size of genes in PAG # 6.bottomCutoff: minimum size of genes in PAG # example: CellAnnotation = function(dir = './', fileName = 'test.txt', markers = c('KLRB1','KLRC1','KLRD1'), minSize = 2, maxSize = 5000, similarity = 0.05, overlap = 1, pValue = 0.05, FDR = 0.05, Species = 'All' ){ url = "https://discovery.informatics.uab.edu/PAGER/index.php/geneset/pagerapi" marker_str = NULL marker_str=paste0(as.matrix(markers),collapse = "%20") #Other adjustable parameters can be refered to http://discovery.informatics.uab.edu/PAGER/index.php/search/advanced contnt <- list( genes = marker_str, type = "All", ge = minSize, le = maxSize, sim = similarity, olap = overlap, cohesion = 0, pvalue = pValue, FDR = FDR, organism = Species, source = 'CellMarker' ) req <- httr::POST(url, body=contnt ); json <- httr::content(req, as = "text") PAGER=fromJSON(json) write.table(PAGER,paste0(dir,fileName), row.names = F, quote =F,col.names = T,sep="\t") return(PAGER) }